Andrea Fantozzi Speaking at the EGO Hotel Ancona Italy: Export USA

In The News | Prager Metis | May 29, 2018

Andrea Fantozzi, a Partner and Director at the Italian Desk in the International Department of Prager Metis CPAs, will be presenting at the EGO Hotel.

LOGISTICS: May 31, 2018, at 4pm at the EGO Hotel in Ancona Italy
TITLE: Export USA – Practical Solutions and Opportunities Offered for Those Doing Business with the Stars and Stripes
TOPIC: Andrea will be speaking about US Tax Reform

Presentation Title: Le Novità della Riforma Fiscale Americana in vigore dal 2018

  • La riforma fiscale americana –cosa è e quando è stata approvata
  • Tassazione Capital gain
  • Taxcredit
  • Ammortamenti fiscali accelerati
  • Recupero della sale and use tx
  • Tassazione redditi esteri
  • I vantaggi di aprire una società negli USA

Translation in English:

Presentation Title: The News of the American Fiscal Reform in force since 2018

  • The American tax reform —what it is and when it was approved
  • Capital gain taxation
  • Tax Credit
  • Accelerated Tax Amortization
  • Salt recovery and use TX
  • Taxation of foreign income
  • The advantages of opening a company in the USA
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