
Operating within the ever-evolving regulatory and economic landscapes unique to the asset management industry means that companies need the highest level of operational and financial services now more than ever.

The experts at Prager Metis are positioned to help you best manage all aspects of compliance and operations related to your business. We are well-versed in all of the latest regulatory requirements and our experience with complex fund operations in the U.S. and around the globe allows us to provide you with a holistic view of your operations.

Prager Metis is registered with the Public Companies Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and is a Cayman-registered firm. We have worked with many asset management clients both domestically and internationally.

We seamlessly combine our assurance, tax and advisory expertise with in-depth industry knowledge and personalized service to the following industries:

Assurance Services Include:
Advisory Services Include:
Tax Services Include:

Industry Leaders

Partner-in-Charge – Financial Services


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